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New Ladder Challenge Rule

New Ladder Challenge Rule
Posted by webmaster (moderator) Nov 1 2011 12:23PM

Starting November 2nd, 2011, both the challenger and the challenged party will receive a ladder penalty for not playing a challenge. Each player's rank will go down 8 rungs.

Posted by webmistress (moderator) Nov 6 2011 6:42AM

A challenger issues a challenge and then does nothing, but the challenged party keeps notes every day, tries to offer different times, etc. Such challenge will be removed with no penalty to the challengee,BUT the challenger will be dropped 8 rungs.

Question Challenge Rule Change
Posted by sumdumdame (VIP) Nov 18 2011 11:28AM

Webmistress: This is an excellent, fair change. Re: "Such challenge will be removed with no penalty to the challengee..." after how many attempts by challengee or days? . Thanks, Sum

challenge clarification
Posted by webmaster (moderator) Nov 18 2011 11:48AM

If you are being challenged and the challenger is nowhere to be found and he/she leaves no messages for you in challenge notes, please use Contact Us to report the problem within 6 hours of challenge expiration. One of the admins will review the challenge, remove it (if warranted) and drop the challenger's rank by 8 rungs. So there is still some legwork for the challenged player, but with much better results! This new rule has already helped reduce frivolous challenges.

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